Our company designs and implements evaluations to determine the social impact that nonprofits, small businesses, and public agencies create. We work with clients on focused, short-term assessments, as well as on more complex, long-range assignments.
We conduct comprehensive program evaluations, culturally-sensitive assessments, as well as in-depth organization development work. Our evaluations provide a high level of qualitative analysis that enables our clients to maximize the effectiveness of their initiatives.
Our practical approach to evaluation gives you achievable options, opinions and solutions together with an understanding of the associated risks. Our summative evaluations offer accessible and easily comprehensible statistical analyses, rich qualitative insights, and constructive, data-based recommendations for future program improvement.
Experience in evaluation of international development programs
Strategicus Consulting acquired a broad experience in evaluation of international programs funded by a variety of donors such as USAID, OSCE, SIDA, Sense International, OSI, World Learning, EU etc. implemented in a large number of countries. The proposed evaluation experts were involved in similar assignments and have extensive experience in working with and within various international bodies.
Local presence, local knowledge
Our company conducted many evaluation assignments on various subjects in over 15 countries. During these missions we have developed an extended network of local consultants and support personnel and we interacted with a broad range of actors i.e. ministries, schools, NGOs, activists, active international agencies, local government etc.
Our consultants share the company's core values: professionalism, honesty, loyalty and common sense. Our staff has extensive experience in designing and carrying out all stages of a program evaluation, from assessing program process and implementation, to examining outcomes and program impact.
Strategicus Consulting uses a collaborative approach to program evaluation and conducts all activities in close coordination with the client. We take pride in developing timely, flexible and culturally-responsive evaluation logic models and evaluation plans that provide the foundation for successfully moving a program forward to meet its proposed goals and objectives. Furthermore, all our evaluation studies are conducted in full compliance with international evaluation standards.
Continuity & innovation
From its very start, our company developed an important evaluation and research curriculum, several innovative tools, and performs customized assessments.
A broad range of skills
One of Strategicus Consulting's key strengths roots from its ability to combine its organizational experience with the personal expertise and background of its consultants.
Best practices
Since its establishment, Strategicus continuously sought to deliver quality evaluation studies through its custom-tailored, flexible approach, under an effective client control.
Our missions are internally monitored and evaluated upon completion. Our assignments always benefit from internal backstopping support, as well as local support.
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