Ghica Gheorghiu
General Manager
Ghica has extensive experience in the management, administration and evaluation of grant aid programs and was the Deputy Director for a 4.5 million EUR PHARE grant aid program. He has been involved in the design, implementation and evaluation of programs covering a large variety of subjects such as economic community development, democracy and human rights, social public campaigns, minorities, youth, public administration, development of the civil society in general. He provides also independent training and assistance to NGOs and private companies in management and business planning, public campaigns, and advocacy. He has an experience of over 15 years in NGO sector and over 9 years in grant giving and has worked with many actors - donors, public authorities, media, non-governmental organizations, business companies and associations.
Radu Florea
Training & Consulting Manager
Radu graduated the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest in 1997 and managed various components of EU's PHARE Civil Society Program during 2001-2003. Between 2003-2005, he worked for Development Alternatives, Inc. - managing the grant programs and institutional development component under USAID's Governance Reform and Sustainable Partnerships (GRASP) program. He developed an evaluation tool which assesses the institutional development stage and implemented it successfully within the GRASP program. Radu also graduated a 2 years' Training of Trainers Program in 1998. He is a skilled trainer, with over 12 years of training experience. He was also the deputy director of the Romanian Diplomatic Academy and taught at the National School for Political and Administrative Studies's master classes between 2005-2011.
Eliza Lupașcu
Quality Assurance Officer
Eliza holds a master degree in economics, also having the qualifications of project manager, trainer of trainers and project evaluator. She is is recommended by her specific education and solid practical experience for over 30 years (of which over 15 years in international programs and donor agencies). Eliza has good knowledge of the economic and social cohesion policy of the European Union, the information and publicity requirements for operational programs financed by EU, the management, implementation and financial control system of EU funds in Romania, as well as quality control systems. Eliza has also specific experience in institutional evaluation and organizational development, and has been working in TA projects for various ministries, managing authorities and civil society organizations, both in structural and pre-accession funds.
Vitalie Cazacu
Media Evaluation Specialist
Vitalie has over 30 years of experience in journalism and communication and over 20 years of experience in developing, monitoring and evaluating projects. He conducted countless training sessions on journalism, communication and public relations, and for 2 years he worked as lecturer at the university. In 1997, he founded the independent press Agency DECA-Press in Bălți, Republic of Moldova. Vitalie holds a Bachelor Degree in Journalism from the State University of Moldova, as well as an honorary graduate degree of Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania, USA. He is qualified as expert in media management and online journalism. During the last 7 years, Vitalie worked as media consultant for East Europe Foundation in Chișinău.
Luca Dussart-Ilieș
Foreign Policy Specialist
Luca holds a Bachelor degree in Law and Political Science and a Master's degree in European Policies from the University of Lille, France. He has also received a Master degree in European Governance from the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK. He has experience in EU policy development and analysis, conflict resolution as well as in planning, budgeting, coordinating and implementing development projects. His work experience includes the EU Office in Kosovo and the EU Police Mission in Afghanistan (EUPOL). His field experience is related to developing and delivering legal training to Afghan judicial practitioners, as well as to election observation projects while working at the Electoral Reform International Services in London. Currently, he serves at the European Union's Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM), seconded by Strategicus Consulting.
Adrian Sorescu
Project Management Specialist
Adrian has 20+ years of nonprofit and project management experience, including extensive training and consultancy work on strategic planning, project management, time management, and grant proposal writing. He spent five years in an executive leading role (as Executive Director of Pro Democrația Association). He is also recipient of extensive training by European and U.S. organizations in Project Management as well as in "Training of Trainers (TOT) on Project Management" and has 10 years of trainer experience on strategic planning, including sessions for various nonprofit organizations and public administration.
Ina Crasnojon-Labă
Associate Consultant
Ina graduated from Moldova State University in 2002. She is a psychologist and psychotherapist with over 18 years of experience. National consultant in the development of development strategies, she is writing projects and supervises social services. Also an expert in parental education, Ina is the co-founder of the Enviable Parents Academy and the author of books and online courses for children and parents on the platform. She has over 6 years of experience in developing social services for people from vulnerable groups, in partnership with civil society organizations and government.
Adela Lazăr
Associate Consultant
Adela worked as regional development manager for organizations with a strong component of fundraising programs, and managing organizational budgets. She managed and designed social and educational programs for the Roma community, coordinated regional open calls, evaluated local organizations, and worked & consulted with donors, non-profit organizations and corporate entities. During 2014-2018, Adela was Fundraising Manager for the Romanian Foundation for Children, Community and Family (FRCCF), one of the largest and stable Romanian non-profit organizations active in the field of child protection. Adela strongly believes in promoting the self-help of communities, and therefore she volunteers for grass-root organizations in their effort to develop programs in segregated communities.
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